Friday, February 11, 2011

Buh Bye Snow, Hello Mud Pit

So even though we were supposed to be starting framing LAST Monday, as many of you around the area know, Mother Nature had other plans for us. Now another two weeks behind schedule after 1-2 feet of snow over the last two weeks. But I think the plan is to start the framing on Monday. Its supposed to be beautiful weather next week, but really all that will equate to is massive amounts of mud. I don't think that will slow up any progress on the building front, but I'm really not looking forward to giving Charlie a bath every time he has to go outside to pee and wants to come back in. Looks like we will be spending some time apart ol' buddy cause I'm only willing to wash your feet once a day.

Technically, I do have some newer photos to post (new to the blog at least, they are probably three weeks old). But back when I thought we were going to be framing soon, I didn't see the point in posting pictures that showed such little change. If we go out to the house tomorrow, then I hope Casey lets me bring Charlie so I can finally introduce him to the land. He's going to love it. If we make a family trip, I'll take pictures of it. Otherwise, I'm going to hold out on posting anything until the framing starts.

As far as decisions about the house go, we've made probably no progress on that. Flooring has been the topic of discussion for the past 2-3 weeks and we've wavered between engineered floors and unfinished floors. We saw some really cool unfinished floors that are pretty cheap called blue hickory. I'm not sure what makes it blue, but it's something that they pull from the sets of normal mills of hickory. It's pretty neat looking, and cheaper which is good. Don't worry, it won't be blue after the medium to dark stain we put on. It wouldn't work for a natural or light finish, but using this means we'll have a good quality wood for cheap. All it will cost us is some extra labor. I'm really looking forward to doing some of the work in this house ourselves though. It will make it feel more like "ours" if we put a little sweat equity into it I think. We picked up some sample pieces of it today and this weekend we are going to try different stains to see how it turns out and which one we like best. Maybe I'll take some pictures of that so I'll have SOMETHING visual to post :)

Regardless, things are coming along. I love snow and I'm glad we finally got some here; it's been a long time since we got some quality inches. But I'm going to be equally glad when spring and summer roll in!

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